Convert HIVE table to AVRO format and export as AVRO file
Step 1: Create an new table using AVRO SERDE based off the original table in HIVE. You can do it in HUE data browser: CREATE TABLE avro_test_table ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.avro.AvroSerDe' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT '' OUTPUTFORMAT '' TBLPROPERTIES ( 'avro.schema.literal'='{ "namespace": "testnamespace.avro", "name": "testavro", "type": "record", "fields": [ {"name":"strt_tstmp","type":"string"},{"name":"end_tstmp","type":"string"},{"name":"stts_cd","type":"int"}] }'); This will create a new table in AVRO compatible format in HIVE. Step 2: Load data from the original table ...